CNC Milled Rotunda logo in up-cycled UVA desk material to product drink coasters for giveaways at events. This project entails converting the top work surfaces of old UVA school desks complete with student carved graffiti into drink coasters for the University of Virginia. A fun and unusual woodworking project. Material was mostly beach, the same wood species often used to make residential stair rails. The desk bottoms were naturally plastered with chewing gum. Desk top surfaces were enriched with years of graffiti by several generations of students carving away with pens and knives. It was like snapshots in time with band names and themes relevant to a specific time period. The goal was to CNC mill wooden drink coasters from the desk slabs retaining as much of the graffiti while maximizing the product yield. A very fun and entertaining project. Two runs of these coasters were produced. Since these were mostly gifts to donors of the university and other important people we kept all the disks that contained questionable language.