Project demonstrates woodworking, milling and carpentry skills. These dinning room custom cabinetry build includes embedded lighting which offers warm highlights for a room with only two windows. The television cabinet built into the corner not only hides the TV with solid hand made panel doors but acts as a media storage room. The small curved shelving unit on the left side of that cabinet unit is a jibbed door, or hidden door. Though a small open once inside there are small shelves for media such as compact disks and VCR tabes. Addition carpentry work includes a paneled ceiling border with crown moulding and crown backer. Paneled wall trim system, Built-in cabinets are terminated at the floor with baseboard. The archway, or opening from the living room to dining room has jibbed panel doors. These side panels pull out and close off the room for privacy. Please visit our main cabinetry page for more.
A set of custom built in illuminated display cabinets can be viewed on the dinnng room project page. Entrance to this lovely home was adorned with a custom handrail system, wall wainscoting, ceiling and wall trim moldings which can be viewed on the custom railing project page. Visit our main cabinetry page other cabinetry project examples.
Much of the overall concept along with interior design services was provided by Fifth Wall Design Group. They also acted as the construction manager for the project.