General Making to Manufacturing of small or medium run products reducing the reliance on volatile overseas markets. Spaceship fabrication project was intended to be a large sign for a start-up that never got any traction. The project was donated to the IX Art Park in Charlottesville Virginia. This was manufactured years ago, long before we had any CNC machines. The sides of the skins had to have slightly convex lines as the shape changes along the bend. Or to say once bent the lines edges would be a straight line. A small trash can was used for the center structure for the framing gussets to attach. If you look at the renders our plan was to purchase a small dome and put an alien inside. We never got that far with the project. But it was a ton of fun. May you have an absurd project you could use some custom fabrication assistance, nothing to odd for us to consider. Might consider adding some mechatronic control to your whack-o-doodle project like we have here on these PEV's.