The Slumber Party Massacre is a 1982 American slasher film directed by Amy Holden Jones and written by Rita Mae Brown. It is about an evil rocker with a deadly guitar. A few years back we were asked to make a non-playable replica of this deadly drill bit guitar for a photo shoot in Charlottesville Virginia for Brian Wimer and Rich Tarbell. They were kind enough to return this crazy prop when they were done with it. We put it up on Etsy and it sold very quickly. Since then we have made four more with each one gaining in detail. Version 1 as made of plywood and CNC milled with fake pickup. However did did make a fretboard and fretted it by hand just for the experience. The second unit was a Maple solid body sold to a DIY'er who wanted to finish it out himself. Third unit was semi-playable. The buyer paid for a prop but we wanted it to make some noise. This one had CNC milled neck and fretboard. Fourth one has full 3 Dimensional body to very closely match the movie original. This one had a factory made neck that I modified for the drill bit mount. Red paint with metal flake silver tips. It has dual Humbucker pickups and a Floyd-Rose whammy bar.

We have made four of these to date with the final iteration having the dimensional surface detail and fully playable. Visit our guitar brand Angry Mutant for more.
Purchase the Slumber Party Massacre Guitar Here

Video of Sanding the Guitar Body V1 - More Digital Fabrication Videos
Slumber Party Massacre Guitar Body Painted Blood Red - Visit our Video Channel

lumber Party Massacre Guitar by Angry Mutant - Visit our Video Channel
Slumber Party Massacre Guitar Slumber Party Massacre Guitar V1